ISPM 15 Heat Treated Pine Wood Pallets


  • We are one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of ISPM 15 Heat Treated Pine Wood Pallets in India. ISPM-15 Heat Treated Wooden Pallets offered by us are specially treated with Heat in Seasoning Chambers and chemicals for guarding against any termite attack.
  • To Prevent the pests found in wood used for packing material to another country (while Exporting) we treat these pests (kill or confine) with I S P M 15(International Standard for Phytosanitary Measure 15) which all countries should follow from July 2007.
  • This is done by building a seasoning chamber of any size fully enclosed and insulated (so no heat escapes) and the wood is kept inside and heated up to 70 to 90 Degree Celcius, this would kill all the pests and bacteria of the wood. Then the wood is declared free of pests and treated according to I S P M 15. A certificate is issued and allowed to export.

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